Tag Archive: Spain

Quesada Seleccion Espana 2011


The Quesada Seleccion Espana is a cigar that was made exclusively the European, primarily the Spanish, market; this is a growing trend in the non cuban cigar industry, and, while I can understand the motive of blending to the “European palette” in order to gain a greater foot hold in that market, the “European palette” is not mutually exclusive of the “U.S. palette” and this trend seems to remove another dimension of choice from the U.S. cigar consumer. That being said, a very limited amount did make its way into the country, and they are a truly exquisite cigar, medium bodied, very creamy with great nut and oak notes. I highly recommend them, if you can find them.


This wine is from a region of Spain (the Montsant region, which lies within the greater Catalonia region) that I have never paid any attention to. I had heard a rumor that this area is producing killer wines for incredibly low prices, and racking up outstanding ratings, so naturally I picked up several bottles. This is the first I have opened and I am definitely impressed; it has many characteristics of Spanish and French wines, with much more sophistication and elegance than I would have anticipated, and for, at most, half of what I would expect to pay if asked after a blind tasting.