Tag Archive: medium


La Aroma De Cuba is a cigar brand that has been able to maintain quality through the many ups and downs of the last decade in the cigar industry; now that is not to say that I like everything they produce, and the original La Aroma De Cuba Mi Amor line is a perfect example. It never struck me as bad, and the quality was apparent,  but it just never really did anything for me, so I was quite skeptical when the La Aroma De Cuba Mi Amor Reserva was announced, but I picked a few up anyway, and I am so glad I did! The Reserva is worlds apart from the original Mi Amor line, and I love it; the strength and body lay somewhere on the full side of medium and it is oh so smooth. It opens with great cedar notes and an almost curry spice (which resides in the background for the duration)  and slowly transitions from a bright cherry to a black cherry note. This cigar is going to get better and better after six months to a year’s rest, but it is smoking fantastic right now.

Quesada Seleccion Espana 2011


The Quesada Seleccion Espana is a cigar that was made exclusively the European, primarily the Spanish, market; this is a growing trend in the non cuban cigar industry, and, while I can understand the motive of blending to the “European palette” in order to gain a greater foot hold in that market, the “European palette” is not mutually exclusive of the “U.S. palette” and this trend seems to remove another dimension of choice from the U.S. cigar consumer. That being said, a very limited amount did make its way into the country, and they are a truly exquisite cigar, medium bodied, very creamy with great nut and oak notes. I highly recommend them, if you can find them.