Tag Archive: cigar


Every year there are a select few limited edition cigar releases that I anxiously await, like a child waiting for Christmas, and, possibly, the top of that list for the last three years is the My Father Limited Edition. First issued in 2010, the cigar has consistently been a benchmark of superb quality and this year’s is no different. The 2012 My Father Limited Edition has a run of only 2500 boxes of 12 cigars, which means there are not many to be had and they will be gone in most places quickly, but, trust me, it is worth the effort to track them down.
The dimensions of the cigar itself are 6 1/2 inches by a 52 ring gauge (a toro) and the construction is flawless; the cigar burns beautifully, with a firm but easy draw and an immense amount of smoke. The flavors run from spice, nuts, and leather at the start to coffee, dark chocolate and, believe it or not, truffles (I have to say that I do not think I have ever tasted truffles in a cigar, and I smoked a second the next day to be sure I was not losing my mind, and it is awesome)  toward the second half, with a pleasant creamy sweetness laying below the other flavor notes the whole way. I would place the strength just above medium to start and a notch or two higher by the end, though still not full.
I do not know what else I can say other than find, smoke, and enjoy these truly wonderful cigars.




La Aroma De Cuba is a cigar brand that has been able to maintain quality through the many ups and downs of the last decade in the cigar industry; now that is not to say that I like everything they produce, and the original La Aroma De Cuba Mi Amor line is a perfect example. It never struck me as bad, and the quality was apparent,  but it just never really did anything for me, so I was quite skeptical when the La Aroma De Cuba Mi Amor Reserva was announced, but I picked a few up anyway, and I am so glad I did! The Reserva is worlds apart from the original Mi Amor line, and I love it; the strength and body lay somewhere on the full side of medium and it is oh so smooth. It opens with great cedar notes and an almost curry spice (which resides in the background for the duration)  and slowly transitions from a bright cherry to a black cherry note. This cigar is going to get better and better after six months to a year’s rest, but it is smoking fantastic right now.

Quesada Seleccion Espana 2011


The Quesada Seleccion Espana is a cigar that was made exclusively the European, primarily the Spanish, market; this is a growing trend in the non cuban cigar industry, and, while I can understand the motive of blending to the “European palette” in order to gain a greater foot hold in that market, the “European palette” is not mutually exclusive of the “U.S. palette” and this trend seems to remove another dimension of choice from the U.S. cigar consumer. That being said, a very limited amount did make its way into the country, and they are a truly exquisite cigar, medium bodied, very creamy with great nut and oak notes. I highly recommend them, if you can find them.

Viaje “Satori” karma 2012


Satori, the name of this cigar line, is Japanese and, translated, means enlightment; this may seem like an odd name for a dark, oscuro wrapped cigar, but it is Viaje owner Andres Farkas’ tribute to the many meaningful and “enlightening ” conversations that often take place while enjoying a good cigar. I think the name is perfectly suited, and this is a fantastic cigar to accompany a good conversation.  It is definitely a full bodied, and full flavoured, cigar, though still quite smooth. The dark fruit notes play well with the strength, and the slow burn gives one plenty of time to contemplate the intricacies of the cigar,  or perhaps something even deeper…


Every year Pete Johnson, owner of Tatuaje cigars, put out, what I consider, one of the most interesting projects in the cigar industry- The Monster Series. Just before Halloween for the last five years Tatuaje has released a limited edition cigar inspired by a monster from a classic horror movie, and this years monster, and cigar, was the Mummy. One would be justified in jumping to the conclusion that this is simply a marketing gimmick, but, while I will grant that it is great marketing, it is no gimmick. This years release stands out as one of the best, and possibly the most complex, of the Monster Series yet.


Often it is difficult for a cigar to live up to it name given the industry’s propensity for the grandiose; few would have a steeper hill to climb (so to speak)  than Alec Bradley’s Fine and Rare, but, for the second year in a row, they have succeeded monumentally with this extremely limited cigar.