
I love, I mean really love, finding new, small artisan producers of one of my favorite products, and it is all the more sweet when that producer happens to be in my home state (Florida); this happens often with cigars, but rarely with coffee. That is why I was so excited when my wife brought a pound of Sweetwater Organic Coffee Roasters’ High Spirits Holiday Blend back from a recent trip; the coffee is roasted just a few hours up the road in Gainesville, FL.
It is a light roast blend of African and Central American coffees and the flavors are exceptionally understated (in a very good way); I would place it as one of the most relaxing cups of coffee I have enjoyed in quite a while. There are great milk chocolate notes, soft fruit flavors, a great mouth feel and an almost perfectly balanced acidity, and, like icing on a cake or crema on espresso, they also seem to have impeccable business ethics!
I would highly recommend checking these guys out, you can find them at and can order directly from their site. This is the first of their roasts I have tried, but, I promise you, I will be sampling some more in quick order and will post my thoughts on those soon.