About NeoOpulence:
NeoOpulence is a company, based out of Sarasota Florida, specializing in luxury goods and lifestyle consulting,  we aim to bring together many specialties ranging from custom wine buying to aquarium design and maintenance. We have an amazing team that can assist in just about any luxury pursuit one can imagine, and profiles of their styles and specialties are coming soon.

About Me:
My name is Eric Carroll and I am the owner of NeoOpulence. I have been a wine and cigar fanatic for many years; I have been involved in the cigar industry as both a writer and a consultant and I currently handle wine buying for many clients. I also run an aquarium design, consulting and maintenance company called Refined Reefs (which is a division of NeoOpulence)  that has been happily serving its clients for almost five years. I try to follow my passions and do my best to use my knowledge to benefit others.

About this Website:
This website is intended to serve several purposes. It is a place to document and advertise the services we offer, it is meant to be a resource for our clients and for anyone who may find value in what we post, and, finally, it is to be a place for the exchange of ideas and experiences, a community to further the pursuit of all that is luxurious.

Please feel free to contact me at opulenceconsultant@gmail.com with any professional inquiries or any questions I may be able to assist with, and please feel free to comment on all post, as long as it is done in a polite, respectful manner (any comments deemed inappropriate will be removed).