
Okay, I admit it, I am a through and through music junkie. It is a life long passion, and occasionally problem, and it has conditioned me to be exceptionally sensitive to music references in marketing; when they are done poorly, as they most often are, I find it difficult not to track down the marketing “expert” that came up with the idea and let loss every bit of pent up angst I can muster, but when done well, as I have pointed out before, it is pure bliss. World’s End’s If Six Was Nine is pure bliss. Seriously, the marketing, the wine making team, and especially the wine itself are truly superb.  The wine is a Bordeaux style cover of a California Cabernet Sauvignon reserve, meaning, of course, it also has a bit of Merlot and Cabernet Franc and I certainly won’t complain.  The mouth feel is like velvet, the flavors range from tobacco and leather to the most pleasant strawberry tart I have every came across in a wine (really, not a bit annoying and definitely not jammy). Grab a bottle, enjoy it with the best guitar track you have, as the name is a Hendrix reference, and remember that this is only the lower end of their line, and trust me that is a great thing.